Discover, Validate, Implement New Ideas

Executive Data Council is an invite-only program focused on navigating the immediate and long-term challenges and opportunities in data and digital transformation

Exclusively for Fortune 500 and Banking C-level Executives

Latest members include

Providing Peer Insights, Connecting People and Opportunities Globally


Gain insights and learn from your peers’ experiences across industries, disciplines and borders


Get to know world’s top Fortune 500 and banking tech executives responsible for positioning their organizations for success


Learn from leading researchers and technologists about new, groundbreaking advances and opportunities for new revenue streams and cost savings


Gain insights and learn from your peers’ experiences across industries, disciplines and borders


Get to know world’s top Fortune 500 and banking tech executives responsible for positioning their organizations for success


Learn from leading researchers and technologists about new, groundbreaking advances and opportunities for new revenue streams and cost savings

Gain Tangible Results

Gain peer insights and advice on today’s toughest challenges
Uncover new revenue streams with data and digitization
Drive digital transformation while staying agile
Identify, analyze and implement critical technologies
Ensure org-wide data security and governance
Find partners across industries and borders
Many more...